
tan ze chuan | tan ze feng | peh zong ting | oh chun wee | ah tong | kevan twk

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A moment like this.

A moment like this, good for me and you.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dota tips 101

Been a while since jekids posted anything. Either too busy/lazy. Pick1. Anw today's post is about a lame game we've been playing for too long --- dota.


Ok basically juz capss-d tt 4 explosiveness. Wat is this about, u mite ask? Its about teaching brainless idiots who play games w/o thinking how to run away from jugg's bladfufy or ts's diabolic edict, n survive. Typical noobs juz run straight n die. Free lessons for u suckas.

First lets look at how a jugg with any experience chases any1 down with bladefury;

Simple; juz rite-clicks the spot in front of the enemy. Lets say u n him both have the same movement speed. How to outrun him? The obvious solution, of cos is to FAKE. Fake the bastard into running a different direction!! Simply running in a diff direction from ur intial course will hav an effect. However, in order to achieve more out of a 1-time fake, 1 hav to turn 90 degrees or more (logic).  How this sucks is tt u mite hav to run away from ur tower/allies, also if the jugg is alert  he mite catch u anw. Any better solution?

.....u got it. Double fake

Lets begin again. Action 1:

Faded arrows show intial course, Solid shows new dirction u're gonna run in. First step is to produce a mini fake. No need to change too much in direction. Jugg will get ruffled a bit, thn try to adjust his own direction. WAIT FOR HIM TO REACT TO UR MINI FAKE. After tt is whn u produce ur second fake

 Action 2:
Red arrow is the direction jugg tries to go in; he tries to catch up to u again. Nw u run in a direction change of a larger angle! Average human reaction speed is 0.13s. Tt number times 2, +most juggs dun expect a 2nd fake, should ensure ur safety.
Above sis end result u should be trying to achieve.
Tts it boys. Cut short a lot, Long enuf post ordy. Further details contact jekids here. All current/ex-dotapros here.
Oh btw dun attempt this on heroes like cg. Pointless. Should be obvious y. Esp if its a wcg cg aka me.

By: Prof zf. Logic is part of life.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

K session!

Cover ur ears coz JE KIDS ARE HERE ! featuring TZC!
Courtesy of SDQ,
we found our preciously funny pictures taken by SDQ



Thursday, July 15, 2010

random shit on "garesoon"


guess the person correctly and win a prizE!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010



chun wee, lionel n zongting was both dancing on the dancefloor, was very squeezy.

the dj was throwing free lightsticks to the crowd n we manage to get hold of a few.

we crack the lightstick. it starts to glow n we were dancing wif it =)

some time later, coz dancefloor becoming overwhelming squeezy, lionel left, leaving chun wee n zongting both dere.

the exciting part...

suddenly, chun wee's allergic nose pick up some smell, the smell of chemicals.

" you would not believe your eyes ~ if ten millions fireflies ~
   lit up the dancefloor as i turn my head ~ "

have u guys guess it ??!! yep, zongting, kong kam as usual broke the lightstick n it splash all over the dancefloor n kena those in front of him!!

victims: he himself( a bit on his hands) and 2 other girls(arms n a bit on shirt)
MEGA victim: the guy in front of him( wearing the latest trendiest glowing shirt, pants n shoe)

zongting now was fking scared, he tot ' gg.. sure kena pong liao..' , he quickly took out his kiam chai tissue and spam all to let them wipe off.

the guy took his phone out n start msging, ( zongting's mind: siao liao.. jio frens come le..)

mayb because of e tissue, the guy say nvm, bt i tink is coz got girls beside he wan show some gentlemanship. haha.

aft tt, he quickly pao lu(zhao lor) n kept avoiding tt grp of pple. haha

he also left the lightstick on the floor causing some later incidents. just planted the SEED OF KARMA !!

rare post by:
c.wEE ~ 我不再做某某某 要你记住我 !!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

222ster of the day

the tuutard of the day is... zt

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

where is my pen?


I'm awake, I'm awake!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why are you  arguing against me? Its like you are insisting on telling me that you're stupid.
-LOGICGODCOCK (nice try. the real logicgod™ aint retarded like this)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What a great way to screw things up

Today Prof Zf is going to explain a common but not so widely used term, 'selfpwn'!

So what is self pwm? This qn. if thrown to jekids, most will instantly shout 'wk!'. But hey man, tt ain't cool. Nt everybody gets it. So nw a proper explanation will be kindly given!

Self-pwn basically means making urself suffer by ur own hands. This can mean fuking urself up, or devaluing urself in any way. Its usually unintentional, or accidental, (Obviously)in the sense that the person usually doesn't know wat he/she's doing is uncool, or dumb, or think nobody is watching.

Still don't get it? A few examples by Jerks beiloh~

From cw: Physically harassing him.
(will be paid back x10)
From yt: Accidentally spilling to him ur secrets.
(will be used for harassment, for a period not less than 4 yrs)
From zt: Asking him about psychics, talking about his hair, being on time when u go anywhr with him(Unless u're a girl), him flossing his teeth in public, him biting his nails, him eating, him always sleeping late, him taking train home alone when tired (or with cw, not much diff actually), him still contacing audixxx....
(.....'Nuff said)
From wk: Haha

So ppl, have u self-pwned today?
Wats happening and wats nt by On.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


rare post by
c.wEE ~  我不再做某某某 要你记住我 !!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Prelude to an outing

zt: 3.30 too late meh
zt: thn change to 3+ lor
tell me ppl, wats the diff, these words coming from a late king?

little little things by On.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


On the last day of 2009, JE kids went to cw's secondary sch's BBQ all thanks to zacktee the lame king. He wanted go there see char bor. HOWEVER, to his horror, all are guys, not even a single girl went. All thanks to him, we had to pay for the BBQ and do nth there.FYI its at Sentosa costa sands. ZC and I had a hard time going there as the queue for the freaking monorail was like the Great wall of Vivo. with Cisco officers standing around as human CONES and some trying to show authourity. One of the Cisco shouted at the people to move to the left when there's nothing on the right, COCK MAX! act big nia. Well, after seeing the freaking long queue, we gave up even going to the end of the queue. So we decided to walk to sentosa. And we went down to the bridge and there was like 2 officers standing with a sign, NO TRESPASSING. DANG! cant walk. so the person there told us that we could take a bus there. We then walked to the bus interchange which was quite a distance away. After soh-ing for like half an hour, we realize that the MRT exit leads right to the interchange and we could have just come to the interchange in the first place. Well, one thing's lucky is that the queue for the bus wasn't long at all. but the queue dam funny. It was infront of a stand selling random stuff. So 2 officers from dunno where had to be station there to assist in the queuing process as they didn't want the queue to block the stand. so the queue had to cut into half leaving a 5 step gap in between, infront of the stand. and the retarded ZC just leng leng walk and stand infront of the stand to queue, the officer then said this:
officer:bro! BRO! BRO!
ZC: oh! i tot u said go go go!
me: sorry he a bit retarded...
officer: i think i have to speak to u slowly then you'll understand.
ZC: the bus ticket how much ah? you noe or not?
officer: its... t-h-r-e-e d-o-l-l-a-r-s. bro.
ZC: oh oh ok.
well, so we went onto the bus and comfortably got into sentosa.
so skip to talking cock part and the totally nothing countdown, should have went to the beach countdown, and maybe can see the bangla molest the girl live!
ANW,ZT suddenly decided to go 7-ll to dunno do wat. so we walked out. and on the road, dunno from what randomness, suddenly they tot of doing the sorry sorry dance. and this is it

I swear thongs is mega cock. he was suppose to be the camera man at first but cw wait for us to collaborate until du lan liao so he ask yt to take over. MEGA COCK, yt's kick and visa dance gonna see man, best. HE even came up with some shit to say when he dance. AH TI AH TI (kick) Ah YES!... no idea wat shit is tt.
Well, that's the highlight for JE kids last few hours of  2009 and the first few hours of 2010. AND GUESS WAT? THONGS IS STILL THONGS? ITS ALL THE SAM... NO CHANGE!
to be cont'd.