
tan ze chuan | tan ze feng | peh zong ting | oh chun wee | ah tong | kevan twk

Monday, August 31, 2009

I have no freaking idea when this was taken man... One of the best picture ever.
TZC PZT JuzPro (from left to right)
look what tzc is holding
And yupp, greatest Photoshop skills ever, I bet no one can do that.
More pictures to come~
Pretty girls hanging out there,
TZC is here so girls please beware!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pretty girls are everywhere~
Think of me and i will be there!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Click at ur own risk!!!

This is from Shun's nick if u all know him, imba blog with imba pics.
can fight with meet ur meat.
Well Credit goes to shun...
and again, CLICK AT UR OWN RISK!!!


Sunday, August 23, 2009

ZF the "STAR"

Today, we went to the same old place again... JP!!!! went there to watch GI JOE which we are suppose to watch dunno how many millions years ago if its not for YT that kuku who we waited for and yet he watched with his beloved hockey mates.
As usual, we nua at the same old place b4 the movie starts, ARCADE ( still as boring as ever).
The show was ok with all the gadgets and ninjas and nanobots and action was not that bad.After the show, while walking down the stairs of the cinema, we were like finding a way out w/o going to the first floor. SO, we tried climbing over to the other flight of stairs right beside the one we were on. And yupp, how retarded can it be that the other flight of stairs also had no access to the mall other than the first floor exit. What a waste of time.
After the short "SOC" recap, we went to stand in the middle of a path around second floor(like what we always do) and discuss what to do next. TZC said that he wanted to eat and so comes the question of the century, WHERE TO EAT. We never get to decide where to eat, not after debating for like half an hour AT LEAST.
So after much dispute between FEAST,KFC,LJS,MAC and some random Anana's $1.50 CHICKEN RICE, the final decision was the Chicken rice.
Now comes the main story. When we luckily found seats in that crampy place, CW and ZT went to buy chicken rice, And since ZF owe some money, I asked him to kindly help me buy, and after much persuasion he reluctantly agreed. He then said this :" the queue too long, wait for it to be shorter,". THERE WAS ONLY 2 PPL in the QUEUE MAN!!! OMG. Well nvm, since I'm asking him to buy,i lan lan waited. AND SINCE IT WAS CLOSE TO DINNER TIME THE QUEUE SUDDENLY BECAME FREAKING LONG!!. We were like , olright GG time to nxt man, coz zt and cw already finishing theirs.
So we were like ok, next, Nasi lemak (which happened to be in the same shop)we didn't wanna tu anymore. And the so zf went to line up, I told him i wanted chicken wing egg and ikan bilis. And just when he was queueing some random uncle came in and bought all the freaking chicken wing. IS HE LIKE COMPETING WITH KFC OR WAT?!?!? WTF? no more chicken wing zc said he rather eat shit.
So yep, No chicken rice , no Nasi Lemak. TZC didn't even eat in the end when he's the one who suggested to eat in the first place. AND TZF!?!?!? GOOD JOB!?!?!? 2 ppl in the queue is long, 10 over ppl in the queue that nvr shortens is machiam an endless road to u... GXN.
Moral of the story: Nvr ask TZF to buy anything. He won't buy unless there is no one queueing up. GXN. Today didn't get see JP Girl. oh damn. =x

Friday, August 21, 2009

Chapter 2 - SBG Saga

A continuation of post #1:
Well, we reached Illuma and waited for YT and ZT to arrive.Suppose to watch a 1+pm show became a 3+pm show, all because of the late kings of JEKids. And what else can we do when we wait for the late kings?, Arcade. No matter we go JP,Bugis, Illuma, Plaza Singapura or Tiong Bahru, there's one place we'll go other than the toilet, ARCADE.
Yep, its a great place alright,a great place to waste ur money and time.And so, arcade arcade arcade arcade til the show time was up.
And so, we watched "UP" as QUEK YING TONG ALREADY WATCHED with his beloved Hockey mates. Even though we had purposely waited for him to watch together.GXN BFP!
And so after lame CARTOON of aN OLD GUY with a balloon house with a bunch of talking dogs and a Kuang Hui lookalike PUI PUI, we went on to arcade ( AGAIN!)
So as they Blazblue for countless rounds, me and TZC got bored and wanted to lame on the DrumMachine. So as usual, the musically inclined me vs TZC, of coz its an ez win.
Just when we ended the game thanks to my proness and sustained the game, this TORNADO GIRL who's not awesomely pretty or stunningly beautiful but yet pleasantly looking and she came and asked me whether I'm interested to join the DrumMachine Competition. So I acted normally and said "No thanks". This is when all the shit started.
The retarded bunch started KP-ing:"WTF? WK ? WHAT U DOING?!? WHY U GIVE THAT RETARDED FACE (-_-) and said no? ( I didn't make any face at that time btw). U SHUD HAVE SAID YES AND NOT HESITATE!" I was wtf? and so the retarded bunch started noticing this female subject that apparently they give a Nickname as SBG, dun ask me what it stands for coz it ain't that nice to hear.=x Ask them if u wan.

And so the SBG saga started.

They thought of all the lame stuff so as to get her noticing them while ZF was acting cool at one side ( as always) and I was like -_-... And from that day on, Illuma became a place where they go to see SBG... and of coz Yingtong was the one that kept saying that she is very cute when she smiles and really wanted to go back to see her even to the extent of giving up BFP! GO FOR IT YT! FOR UR HAPPINESS!

To be continued.-Kevan


Well, since I revived the blog, I shall be first!
With all the recollections and flaming and all the gross out pictures and piles talk, freeforflaming06s18.blogspot had died for years.
On 15/08/09, it was a fine sunny day, as usual we were suppose to meet at 1pm so I rush over right after my night shift to meet them. And guess WAT??! When I reached there, CW and ZT is still at home,and QYT MIA? WTF?
and ZC go sit down eat some oily you zha gui.
that's not the point.
We board the train after tu-ing for god knows how long and suddenly everything turned quiet.
Even the bird outside flapped its wings so slow I can see GradPA KFC.
This girl with her little backpack,black hair, green sneakers and her big eyes board the train at Clementi~!
I bio and bio and bio w/o the rest noticing til I decided NO MORE HESITATING!
after thinking of all the stunts in the world to do, finally i prepared myself to do it.
Now heres Mistake #1:
telling TZF
GG he made me hesitate more...
ask him when should i do it he says : maybe when we get nearer to Bugis MRT station then do it.
GG Hestitated!
then WTF SOME RETARD ALIGHTED AND SHE GO SIT DOWN(she was standing beside me at first by the way)
GG Stunt failed
Mistake #2
some kind soul that sat beside her alighted. I WAS suppose to go sit down. but ye.. HESTATED #2!
Mistake 3:
TZC got to know about the matter and he was like #@$@%^#^@%$ while CW says "ZHI DE!"
and just when I'm gonna do stunt we reached BUGIS!
then i wanted to stay so to ask her.BUT SOME RETARD KEPT SHOUTING:
"NO WK! NO! NO! WK!"
and suddenly everyone's eyes turned to me and I just had to get down and go home PA CHIU KANG!!!