
tan ze chuan | tan ze feng | peh zong ting | oh chun wee | ah tong | kevan twk

Sunday, January 23, 2011

BOOKFEST goes out to shopping~!

     Readers are in luck. Zf got time, Zf writes blog. Lol. This time its an outing with bookfest popular members! Popular, as in the bookstore called 'popular' ah. Tengyao sharlene if u 2 were so thickskinned and thought for a moment there tt i was saying u doods are pop....  well good 4 u! In this today's society it is better to be thickskinned than not. (Yea i'm gonna assume u 2 mite be reading this) To begin from scratch! This time we going bugis. (argh). to shop. (argh argh) Yea i dun like bugis cos we'v been there too many times and i dun like shopping either cos imma normal guy. Wat to do? Juz folo.
      After the usual kps about lateness, at long last all je-nearbys gathered liao. Current status --->
Present (At je mrt): Zefeng, Zongting, Yingtong, Chunwee, Tengyao.
Present (smwhr along the other end of singapore...?) : Sharlene.
Absent: NIL
Mite-be-coming: Jeremy, TanZeChuan
      In the end sharlene managed to reach earlier thn us altho she came out very late. No thnx to chunwee. Gogo bugis street. Wah DAMN crowed. ESPECIALLY the traffic light middle-part there. Tard dammnnn long. Like slime in a funnel. So we had to gleefully wait to c if any smartasses got knocked down by cars after jumping the railings to cross the road. Squeeze squeeze squeeze. Elbow elbow elbow. Finaly got thru. Fashion police chunwee-zongting-sharlene begins to find clothes for a makeover for tengyao.
      So, much delibration happened with shirts n T-shirts n berms n watnots. Quite some nice stuff around there as usual. Btw jeremy reached around this point. Couldn't stay with us long due to commonwealth commitments tho... oh well. Saw a shiny jacket! N a not-too-thick jacket! N hooded shirts! N checkered pants! Wow-wee~. But no money so really hav to consider first b4 making any purchase. Shopping helps us get to know the sense of style of the newcomers.
     Enters TanZeChuan from sexshop after much tu-ing on his own. I mean we waited for him outside sexshop. At this point sharlene decided she wanted to walk a 2nd round. Being questionable jegentlemen, decided to folo her thru. (though yt-zc-jem-me  wandered off soon enuf-- yt took a liking to a monk/lama bag. remorse/enlightenment?) At this point a meaningless converstaion took place---->
Tzc: 'wei bugis got a lot magic shops leh! later we go take a look leh!'
Zf: 'Huh? got meh? i didn't even know sia'

...He thn proceeded confidently to assure me he's rite. Just to cfm tho, --->
Tzc: 'Oi Chunwee! u know this place the magic shops are at whr not?'
Cw: 'Smlj? Got meh? Y i nvr c b4'
Tzc:' Got lah! wah lao last time i young i come always c 1 leh! jus tt forget whr'

...i think he's slightly unsettled now tho. Proceeded on to question yt--->
Tzc:' Yt!  bugis street got magic shop right?'
Yt: 'yea, have!'
...momentarily midly surprised....
Yt: 'Have GE PI.'
LOL. cock. much argument took place. Since we had the time we decided to check it out anw. walk thru 2nd floor. like maze lidat, seems to hav became bigger since they renovated. Got a lot ladies stuff, but nvr c magic stuff. So, with much dread/anticipation, we proceeded to the 3rd floor...
=Too bad zc. Better luck nxt time.
     Ok dinner time liaoz. But jem had to leave tho, he's running late. He's slightly more responsible thn us afterall. Bye jem. So we started to discuss wat to hav for dinner. Wah got ppl suggest steamboat i damn high sia. But with cw around, and the just lets-sweets-buffeted gang, future was  bleak. Went for zhi char in the end. 7 of us managed to just fit into 1 table. Point to note: a random leaf from a random tree decided to fall in the curry about this time. The folo-ing ppl saw it first.
Tzc-cw-ty-zf: '!!! *points* *wails* *bascially makes big fuss but didn't remove leaf* '
Commotion dies down after awa.
Every1 stares at leaf in curry.
Zf tries to remove with chopstick.
Cw mangaed to clear it with spoon.
Every1 stares at leaf on table.
Tzc: 'Wah did u c? The leaf juz suddenly dropped leh! Straight down 1! Nvr sway in the air like u know? (tries to gestures with hands)'
Zf: 'Lol! mayb some birdshit hit the leaf thn drop 1? Joke.'
Sharlene pulls long face. Cw notices.
Cw: 'Yea. Or myab spider eggs. Or caterpillars. These spots on the leaf are suspicious.'
Sharlene disgusted.
Cw: 'Come to think of it. Actually this another leaf *points* was already in the curry for quite some time...?'
      Wouldn't tt be cool if tt happened?
      Wandered around the area after tt. Zt sponsored us the air hockey gameat arcade! whoohoo zt u rock. u'll rock more if u give out free things more often :D. Left soon enuf tho cos sharlene muz zhao soon.Minor cock-up happened here tho. Tzc had to top up ezlink, n zt-sharlene juz proceeded on. By the time we reached the btm platfom, sharlene nvr to be seen again liao. Conveyed her byes thru zt for us. Nvm small matter. Really too bad she stay at simei. Rest of us took train tgt bak je, whr tengyao perform his many weird stunts for us. Rmb the saying, 'it takes 2 hands to clap?' well, he proved it wrong. Totally weird lol.
     Had to part soon enuf. As tzc once said, 'Time dun folo man'. Got hi-s means got bye-s. Of cos we had to part at the respective mrt stations. Jekids disbands for nw, we will b bak again.

From ur dearest, but not sincerest,
Zefeng a.k.a On.

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