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Thursday, January 20, 2011

ZT appreciation day!

Hihi, its zf again to grow some grass on this ssemi-active blog. Update of a regular outing here. Incidentally, zongting juz passed his 22 yrs old bdae!! woohoo wateva-the fug-cares-man. FYI ur dear zf here dosen't really care about small stuff like bdaes. but since everybody seems to, i'm renaming it zt appreciation day instead, in view of wat he has or has nt done for us. Hence the post title!

     Okeh~! Starting off from the start of the day! First stop was jp, whr me n zc picked out zt's present for him. Juz-so-u-know, zc really put a lot of thought into this prezzie, or rather, a lot of time into thinking. (considering he has atds, i guess he needs more time) But still, hey man, gta congratulate him for his efforts. In the end, chose a earpiece out of the many there tt we tot he would like most. Has a key as cable wrapper!! WOW man. Be-A-U-tiful~. Gotta love it. Anw moving on. Time nw: 1.45. Supposed time of arrival at je mrt : 1.30. Yea by normal standards we are ordy late. So zc camly called zt to ask whr he is. Diaglogue-->
zc:'whr u?'
zt:'bukit batok lor'
zc:'kk bye'.
...yea we are always late tgt, how cool is tt. Being mature adults we dun get angry at all. Tt, or we are simply too used to tardiness after 5 yrs. Point to note: zc called yt too. Didn't pick up= huan lo. Yt is under zt anw. I'll draw the system out for better understanding nxt time.
     After waiting for the fuker yt who finally arrived at 2.10, finally left for bugis to watch movie. Current status:
Present: Zongting, TanZeChuan, Zefeng, Yingtong, Jeremy.
Absent: Chunwee(working)
MIA: Weikang.
due to certain baichi reasons due to certain baichi ppl (specifically, 2, including wk), weikang has left the group for the time being until further notice. Weikang if u c this pls email ur interest in further activities to The jury will decide ur fate for u.
Did i mention? We're watching Love, Sex n Other drugs. The bdae boy wanted to watch this. Said this kinda romance show is gd for us, for wateva resaons better left unkown. Overall its was a o-k. A lot of sex. Wasn't properly directed tho. Gd ending. Advise by Dr. Tan: Dun watch with ur gf/potential gf. She will develop unnecesary high expectations of wat boyfriends shld be like. Would u be able to handle a gf with some shit disease like Parkinsons?
      Further plans: Dinner at Lets Sweets Buffet. Google it if u dun know it. We had spare time tho. Bo bian. Forced to ARCADE. Due to yt's sudden passion at fishing, we decided to accompany him for awa. Nt gna describe the experience. In short, yt couldnt reap his daily profits due to some indian kio-ing his fishes, and zt got dulan of it after failing to win much. Nt as easy as it looks.
      Woohoo, buffet lo! Went to tt restaurant. Looks nice enuf, albeit small. Cock thing is, got timer of 80 minutes. Still decided to stick to plan. Initial stage--->
Zf: 'Wah! So many pasta! LIKE'
Jem: 'Looks ok, i ok'
Yt: 'ok lor, since u all want. lan lan'
Zc: 'Gg man i think we gonna regret this. Nvm juz try once.'
Zt: 'Just try la. Quite ok ma!'

Cool? after 15 mins. after testing the desserts-->
ZF: 'ok la, i really like pizzas, still ok for me'
Jem: 'i oso still ok'
Yt: ' i sian liao. Nt eating anymore. No meat no shit.' (LOL)
Zc: 'Gg leh. Nth to eat 1! Desserts oso nth special. Fug liao la.'
Zt: 'U all oso haven finish trying everything! Still got blah blah blah wat!'

And even later on...
Zf: '....'
Jem: 'ppl ask me come i still will consider lor'
Yt: 'Suk cok place. i give ranking. No. 1 food is the mushroom pasta. 2nd is this white rice. 3rd? MIRANDA orange juice.'
Zc: 'Stupid place. Nvr again. Terrorist eat this cfm bomb the whole shit place down.'
Zt:' 吐然好想你~. Fug i think the timer is countdown to salvation. Ggmax.‘

... u get the general idea. overall the place just sucked. Limited variey, desserts nth special. Zc says this place automatically takes the btm ranking in all the buffet places we hav went so far. N tts saying a lot, since we've really tried a lot. I think the others would tend to agree. Quit ba. Nxt stop, Jurong East, bawian yu yuan mian. To meet the reluctant cw, who just got dismissed from work.
     Purpose was juz to chill around. Couldn't really take much more food in anymore. Since zt's bdae, core members muz all at least meet oso. Cw heng he didn't become the buffet oso. if nt he cfm complain MAX. Updated him of wat happened, being a bastard he really laughed it out lol.Which was when we decided to present zt's present oso. Ta-da! i think he liked it. Surprise, surprise. Talked more. Nua more. Took pictures with cw inside. Tts it! end of another outing. Hoped u had a happy bdae, Zongting. I'm sure u'll enjoy many more to come, with or without us. Bye for nw!

By ur dearest, but not sincerest,
ZeFeng, aka On.

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